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A novel optimization design approach for Contourlet directional filter banks




\u3cp\u3eA Contourlet transform, an expansion of a wavelet transform, is a double filter bank structure composed of Laplacian Pyramid and directional filter banks. Several wavelet filters of preferable performance have been developed for wavelet transforms, e.g. CDF (Cohen, Daubechies and Feauveau) 9/7 filter. However, there is still only a limited number of wavelet filters applicable for Contourlet transforms. Therefore, it has become an urgent issue to find effective contourlet filters and design methods in the field of multiscale geometric analysis. In order to design a new directional filter bank for Contourlet transforms, this paper uses parametric modeling to obtain a novel PKVA (See-May Phoong, Chai W. Kim, P. P. Vaidyanathan, and Rashid Ansari) filter, by first implementing Chebyshev best uniform approximation, and then reaching the optimal solution by means of Parks-McClellan algorithm. Using Brodatz standard texture image database for test images, and using image denoising treated with hidden Markov tree (HMT) models in the Contourlet domain, the optimal PKVA filter was obtained on the basis of the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) maximum criterion with human visual properties considered. Experiment results show that the image denoising performance of our filter is better than that of Po and Do’s. The PSNR obtained from the experiment is 1.011449 higher than that of Po and Do’s in average. Therefore, Contourlet transforms using the proposed PKVA filter as DFB can ensure that the local error in images is of a uniform minimum value, and that good overall visual effect can be achieved.\u3c/p\u3e
机译:\ Contourlet变换是小波变换的扩展,是由拉普拉斯金字塔和定向滤波器组组成的双滤波器组结构。已经开发出几种性能较好的小波滤波器用于小波变换。 CDF(Cohen,Daubechies和Feauveau)9/7过滤器。但是,仍然只有少量的小波滤波器适用于Contourlet变换。因此,在多尺度几何分析领域中寻找有效的轮廓波滤波器和设计方法已成为当务之急。为了设计用于Contourlet变换的新方向滤波器组,本文通过参数化建模,首先执行Chebyshev最佳均匀逼近,以使用新颖的PKVA(See-May Phoong,Chai W. Kim,PP Vaidyanathan和Rashid Ansari)滤波器。 ,然后借助Parks-McClellan算法获得最佳解决方案。使用Brodatz标准纹理图像数据库来测试图像,并使用Contourlet域中的隐马尔可夫树(HMT)模型处理的图像去噪,根据峰值信噪比(PSNR)最大准则,获得最佳PKVA滤波器,考虑到人类的视觉特性。实验结果表明,我们的滤波器的图像降噪性能要优于Po和Do的图像。从实验中获得的PSNR平均比Po和Do的PSNR高1.011449。因此,使用建议的PKVA滤波器作为DFB的Contourlet变换可以确保图像中的局部误差具有统一的最小值,并且可以实现良好的总体视觉效果。\ u3c / p \ u3e



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